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About Us

Welcome to International Sports Chaplains (ISC). Our mission is to share the Word of God and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through “The Jesus Pin.”  Throughout the past 30 years, we have seen the Lord Jesus open thousands of doors to share God's word using this tool.


The Bible says in Acts 1:8 “Ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the Earth."


In Mark 16:15 Jesus says “And He said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.”


ISC does not replace the church but comes alongside the Bible-believing church as evangelists in the sports world to share Jesus with people where their interests are. Sports has become a god in the world today. Unfortunately, more people will attend sporting events than will be in a Bible-believing church on a Sunday.  It should not be like that but it is.


Daily our team members have one purpose, one calling, and one objective. Our goal is to be found faithful to what God has called us to do: “Relational Evangelism with the Highest Integrity.” Numbers are not our objective. Our purpose is to communicate Christ’s love in the Olympic arena as we focus on sharing, loving, telling, and showing Jesus to the people assembled at the Olympic Games.


The Apostle Paul said in God’s Word to “use all means necessary to win people to Christ.”


"For over three decades, International Sports Chaplains (ISC) have become the leading presence in cutting-edge Olympic ministry. Combining personal evangelism and effective follow-up, ISC has consistently been the standard by which many other sports arena ministries are judged. Genuine and altruistic passion is the difference … and it has stood the test of time.  The beacon of integrity, quality, commitment, performance, and perseverance will continue to light the way for future Olympic ministry.


Look for the committed.

Look for the passionate.

Look for the Torch."  

David Guinn

Founder of

International Sports Chaplains

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